Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obama Supporters, True or False: Obama wrote rave reviews of Bill Ayer's book?

A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court?

Next Question: If you write a book review and started your first campaign at the same person's house who you wrote the review for...does this mean that this person ';HARDLY'; knew that person?

It's just like saying...I was at this Radical Church for 20 years and didn't hear one ';strange'; thing from the pulpit...

-To the rest of you Non-Obama Supporters...

Watch how Obama-bons skirt this issue...

Obama Supporters, True or False: Obama wrote rave reviews of Bill Ayer's book?
This is disturbing, because the list goes on and on beyond this here:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Why can't Obama do better at explaining this, making VERY clear to the American people what the truth is? Because this is dangerous talk, and it's firing people up, getting people angry and scared, which is not good, not safe. He needs to clarify. With this issue as an example, and the hanging questions he won't come clean on for us, is this a good example for someone we want to lead our country and handle foreign affairs? If he wants this questioning to stop, if he wants people to calm down, he better speak up himself.

I also want to add that I find it odd that all of this comes out this late in the campaigning. Why? Why wasn't this brought to our attention from the beginning or any earlier? I'm really getting frustrated myself actually with it all.Obama Supporters, True or False: Obama wrote rave reviews of Bill Ayer's book?
two and a half trillion dollars have been lost in the last week in the market. A million jobs lost this year alone. People are worried about their jobs, their 401K's, and the future. They are NOT concerned with Bill Ayers. You don't get that and neither does McCain. It won't affect you, but it WILL cost McCain the election.
Not only did he write rave reviews on the book, he was IN the book. Ayers mentions him, meaning that their relationship was anything but simply acquaintances. Obama supporters won't answer the question though, that's a given.
I don't know but certainly, this is not even a political issue or even a concern for anyone except for a very narrow set of political jihadists that are attempting a fatwa against Obama.
Yes, and McCain took campaign contributions from the same people that funded that book
People that I do not know ask me to write raving book reviews for them all the time!

Quite possible.

John Keating, I mean, McCain, is a stand up guy though.
How dare you!! Not their Obama! lol
If you knew that Ayers was such a problem and could cost Obama the election, I don't understand why you wait so long to bring it out. Why didn't your terrorist police arrest him last year? It would have looked worse for Obama now.

But you didn't. You didn't care until your guy started to bumble and fumble and vacillate and get grumpy.

You thought you could use it as a smear issue in the last month. Just like McSame knows he can catch bin Laden, but he has waited 7 years + 'you must elect me to find out' to divulge it to anybody. Country first? You decide.

How is Liddy doing BTW?

Edit: I wonder how you or any of you other Abramoff loving wingers would review a book of someone they didn't know. I guess just in case they were a terrorist, you would have to cynically write an poor review, in which case it would be published, RIGHT (who publishes poor reviews of their books)? Why do I think that you Abramoff butt-sniffers don't have anywhere near the intellectual honesty or integrity to objectively answer this question?

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