Yeah, let's see if it prophecies future events. This is a dumb answer, but obviously fits your agenda.
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What makes one holy book true and others false?
my answer was given in reference to the Bible. There is nothing in it against reason nor against the natural law. The same goes for the Catholic religion. Unfortunately my answer was misunderstood. But i got best answer and more points. I guess it pays to be as ambiguous as possible
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There's alot in it that is unnatural! People getting into heaven with out dying, the plagues, angels, the Whore of Babylon, Moses' tricks tons of crap!
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orion, unnatural or supernatural is above reason and nature. this is not the same as contrary to reason. Angels or separated substances
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are a philosophical necessity, nothing unnatural about that. looks like theres more crap in your head than in the bible.
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do u even know what the natural law is?
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no no.. the lord of the rings is the true book... the writer forgot to put in the first page that it was a real story (like the bible)... mmm.. what a shame..
Like any book that says it is factual, the proof would be in the testing of what it said...
simple example, If a book said green people live on the moon, the best way to test it is to go to the moon and see what is there. If no green people then the book is not true....
If a book is said to be fillied with prophesy, then wait and see if the prophesies come true...I cannot comment on the koran, but many, many prophesies from the bible have come true, and are documented by history, and eye witnesses...
The holy bible is the only true God inspired truth. It has been tested for more than 2 thousand years. Even Jesus studied the Old Testament. He said ';I did not come to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill it';. JOHN 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
11 TIMOTHY 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Maybe BOTH / all convey truth.
Maybe BOTH / all are worth studying / understanding.
Maybe BOTH / all are misunderstood by too many of their loudest proponents.
nothing. In fact nothing makes any one of them true, not any more than the faith of it's deepest believer. The reason different faiths all cater to slightly different beliefs, is that all people are different, you have to find what makes you comfortable in your heart, whether you are a loving christian, an indifferent buddhist, or proudly selfish athiest. It's your life.
It is documented that Jesus walked the earth. The other religions are about mortal people who were religious leaders and somehow uplifted to a status where people practice their beliefs.
Jesus was mortal too, fungus. He did die y'know.
They are all basically accounts of the same thing, believe it or not. If you go back far enough there are stories about the great flood in every culture, the same flood. There is also a story/myth/epic about a messiah/savior in every culture. All culture's stories are about the same thing.
They are all true but they have been translated many times and lost their true original meaning, they have been mis-translated into something else and what has come through unscathed is misunderstood.
cuz there is only one truth.
the books of islam, christianity and the jewish religion are
contradictory. its the part of everybody by themselve to find the differences, to think it over and to decide.
you can get detailed information from
all the books are free so that you can learn everything about Quran
That's faith ;)
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