Monday, February 8, 2010

If I created a book of stories that were completly false, brainwashed people into beleiving its true?

and told them to convert people into beleiveing it, what would stop them from beleiving. I could call it Bible 2.0. This is a serious question, what would stop people from beleiving it is true. The Bible has some pretty far fetched stuff in it and people beleive in it solely for the fact that they were taugh it was true. Why would my book be any different?If I created a book of stories that were completly false, brainwashed people into beleiving its true?
We'll just call you L. Ron Hubbard, JR.

Not Savior.If I created a book of stories that were completly false, brainwashed people into beleiving its true?
Because your book would not have held up to centries of so called enlightened skeptics and nay Sayer as has the bible.. Nor would it have the documentation to support it more then any single piece of literature in all of History.. Nor would it be the most popular publication published in more languages than any other book nor include wisdom that could not possibly be found by observation alone nor would it included scientific findings long before the technology we have available today was able to confirm that... is that enough ?... email me if you want more.... hope that helped you...God bless you !
If you're talking about brainwashing, it takes more than creating a book of false stories.

Brainwashing techniques have to include:

isolation from outside influences,

alertness reduction - fatigue, sleep deprivation, poor diet

meditation - to slow thought processes and increase suggestibility
You dont have 2000 years of historical belief behind it...People aren't as gulable as they used to be...You could always try it though...?
It wouldn't be any different. New cults rise-up all the time. You just need a little luck and a good business model.
its already been done,...... the author claimed to have ridden to heaven on a donkey , argued God into only making people pray 5 times a day and getting permisssion to rape a 9 year old.
It wouldn't work, I fear...

You'd have to have absolutely NO actual proof, not even the original ';Bible II';.

Get the picture?
Good question! Religious ppl are so dumb.. they believe anything! I guess thats the reason they are called people of faith... cos they need a whole lot of faith to believe that crap!
Scholars are constantly working with the text of the bible and the doctrine. There a numerous errors known to exist, and digs are constantly adding to the base of understanding. But it is pretty darn cool that God has preserved some of the message through so Manny fingers. There is a ';bible 2.0'; it is the Book of Mormon which are actually 15+ books. Now stay with me. you take a nail and pound it into a board you can swivel that board everywhichway. but if you take another nail and pound it in, it does not move. It supports the Christian faith and enhanses it. BoM supports the BBL and has a much higher in place quotient. Example, the Jew that left Jerusalem in the BoM traveled to a place called Shazer where the character broke his bow. Ha, written in 1830, we got him, but no, there is only one place along the frankincense trail that could be the place because there are three different kinds of olive trees, and only one can be made into a flexible bow. Boom.These evidences occur over and over. The Bible, not so. Many still grapple with whether David (da-veed) even existed except for a small inscription. Place Quotient. There are no proofs only faith.
The bible IS true. One story where it talks about how Moses lead the Hebrews across the Red Sea and God drown the Egyptians has been proven. Divers went to the Red Sea and got pictures of chariots, wheels, bones etc. Another story about Sodom and Gomorah where God sent two angels to destroy those two cities has also been proven. Archeologists have discovered the location of these two cities, took pictures, examined the soil in a labratory environment. They found brimstone also in the area and it was not found anywhere else.

Still not convinced? Come to the site link below and look at the photos. Too many people want to accuse the bible of being false when there is *PROOF* it is true. Are you willing to wager your soul on the bible not being true but then finding out in the throneroom of Christ it is true? What would you tell Jesus then. It woud be too late to accept Him into your heart and life then, you'd be doomed to everlasting tornment in hell. Now is the time to accept Him, now is the appointed time. You still have a chance.

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