Doesn't the fact that there are blatant contradictions in the bible call the entire book into suspicion?
Think about it. If you read a history book that stated WWII was started by the Eskimos, would you be inclined to believe anything else in the book???
Those of you who have written books, edited them, or worked in publishing know that it's relatively easy to get blatant lies into print. Being that in biblical times the entire publishing industry was controlled by a tiny minority of educated clergy, how hard do you think it would have been for them to inject their own agenda into books of the day?
People can be COUNTED ON to live down to their lowest impulses, but we're supposed to believe the authors of the bible were above this sort of thing?
How gullible can you be?Since we know certain ';truths'; stated in the bible are false, why shouldn't we question the entire book?
Be specific. Name one truth in the Bible that is false.Since we know certain ';truths'; stated in the bible are false, why shouldn't we question the entire book?
There are many problems with your little theories.
The Bible neither contradicts in theology nor history and has stunned scholars of both fields for centuries. All alleged ';contradictions'; thought up by unbelievers today are born out of ignorance and misunderstanding.
With that being said, is it perfect? No there are minor errors. Does that mean the books arent inspired? A wise man once said, the Bible is perfect enough to leave any scholar in awe yet human enough to allow any doubt for the unbeliever.
Youre making a common objection to the Bible that even modern day Muslims who dont know any better make, that its been mistranslated, doctored, or even lost and therefore cannot be trusted. There are over 5000 manuscript copies in existence today of the NT, (exponentially more than any other ancient literature) with many dating right back to when it was originally written, and they are all textually 98% accurate with only a 1-2% variance. And most of those are just small spelling errors. If that objection were true as you say, then the newer the manuscripts got, the more different the story would be. If you pick up a Bible today and read it, you are reading exactly what was written in and right after Jesus' generation by the apostles.
The authors of the Bible were great men of whom many died for their faith. They didnt get rich. They didnt get famous by worldly standards. They were in fact looked down on by many societies and suffered for their faith. All they ever had to do was recant and renounce their faith in Jesus and their lives wouldve been spared. Ive known and read of many people that were willing to die for the truth. But Ive never heard of a person that would willingly die for a lie.
You dont disbelieve the Scriptures because of the authors. You disbelieve the Scriptures because you dont believe Jesus or understand the power of God.
Seems to be a real struggle for you. What would you know of what God can do. Stating that something is impossible in this day and age is dangerous. The impossible of yesterday is reality today.
If you want to write me and show me some contridictions or lies I'd be glad to study with you if you can calm down.
God Bless!
How stupid are YOU? The men that interpreted the original scriptures were godly men that wanted to know the truth themselves. Just the KJV translation was a massive undertaking that involved the top theological minds from the greatest universities in Great Britain. Their work was done in groups that then passed their work to the next group, and so on until they were all in agreement as to what would be written.
To insinuate that God does not have the power to make certain that His Word was intact at the end, is to say that God has no power.
BTW, you may feel free to e-mail me with some of your ';blatant contradictions'; that are supposedly in the Bible. I guarantee you that the only contradiction is in your understanding, which is always the case with people like you.
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God.
Contradicts?? Most of what people think are contradictory statements about God are explained by understanding the Trinity.
';If our gospel is veil, it is veiled to those who are perishing...';
St. Paul
';Since we know';? Have you ever read the Bible? Do you just blindly accept what others say about it without finding out the truth for yourself?
The gospels and the other narratives in the Bible were written to illustrate moral truths (how we should relate to God and to other creations of God. These moral truths were ';packaged'; in parables and anecdotes and other literary forms. These moral truths are not in question. What is being questioned are the other elements of the narratives which tended to define specific events and places durint biblical times. These elements are not necessarily true or even compatible with each other. The authors were not a syndicated group of writers.
The bible should not be viewed as book on history and geology of biblical times and places.
They like to wallow in self-deceit, willful ignorance, denial and insecurity. They were Indoctrinated and conditioned since childhood to believe such things as ';truth'; regardless of the unsurmountable facts and logic to the contrary. I have the say that such flagrant intellectual dishonesty is embarrassing, especially in todays world.
That is one of the reasons why I don't follow the Bible anymore. I realized that I didn't agree with, or in some parts believe in, what it had to say.
EDIT- I am not being deceived. I know what I believe in, and what I don't believe in. It is my decision, my thoughts. No one has told me what to believe. My parents left it up to me to figure it out for myself, and I did.
Not if you can explain away all the contradictions!
Besides, you have to be taught to read and think critically before you break away from religious indoctrination.
Duh, don't question it. Always works for me. I just believe what I'm told.
instead of constantly looking for whatever you can possibly come up with to try and discredit the word of god, your creator by the way-like it or not, just to try and make all the christians mad. why not do something useful with your life and actually study these so called contradictions, because you know good and well that your little theories will be proven wrong and you will look like a proud jackass. why not try to actually learn something, ask god if he's real...are you scared? if your scared i understand, because you sound like a scared little boy. why not go to your room alone and ask him, are you there, are you real, show yourself. you want proof, he will give you proof. you haven't found it yet because you haven't looked for it. thats like expecting to win the lottery every week when you don't even play. call me gullible, i call you stupid. your are throwing your entire future away and you don't even think twice about it....yeah, like i said ...stupid. why don't you grow up and do something constructive with your life? maybe just maybe there is still time for you, it will definitely take the love of the god i know to forgive you , because you are a blasphemer. i will pray for you to wake up and get your head out of your butt, and finally see the light. god bless.
the bible is all true and is God's word
%26lt;It is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE%26gt; ? I get a kick out of all you scientists who make these claims without one bit of evidence. Speculation that is always proved otherwise later on. If you want to say there is contradictions, fine, your beliefs are yours. No contradictions have ever been found. Just misunderstanding, speculation and supposition. The ';clergy'; didn't write the Bible. It's an eye witness account of events recorded by various people throughout history. The Bible is unparalleled in literature and accuracy from every aspect it covers. It stands on it's own and has never been discredited based on fact. You believe these historical events occurred or you don't.
Notice that you were incapable of mentioning even so much as one such instance.
Enjoy your stay at the Pitt where there are no doors and no windows, but millenniums. Get yourself a nice tan and thanks for the points!!!!
ummm...which ones are false?
There are no contradictions in the Bible. Just wrong interpretations by the reader.
Have you actually even read the Bibe? Here is some ';food'; for thought...First consider the physical evidence of the Biblical account of the Flood. There have been seashells found on high mountains. A number of fossils and carcasses deposited in icy mucky dumps. Many of these animals were perfectly fresh, whole and undamaged, and still either standing or at least kneeling upright...Quick frozen, this fits in with what happened in the great flood. Gen 1:6-8 7:11, 19 Temperature changes would be the most rapid and drastic. They have found wooly mammoths with vegetation still in it's mouth. Where did all the water come from to cover the whole earth? The Bible itself answers. Early in the creation process, when the expanse of the atmosphere began to take shape, there came to be “waters . . . beneath the expanse” and “waters . . . above the expanse.” (Genesis 1:7; 2 Peter 3:5) When the Flood came, the Bible says: “The floodgates of the heavens were opened.” (Genesis 7:11) Evidently, the “waters . . . above the expanse” fell and provided much of the water for the inundation.First, is not the idea of the whole earth’s being flooded too farfetched? Not really. Indeed, to some extent the earth is still flooded. Seventy percent of it is covered by water and only 30 percent is dry land. Moreover, 75 percent of the earth’s fresh water is locked up in glaciers and polar ice caps. If all this ice were to melt, the sea level would rise much higher. Cities like New York and Tokyo would disappear.
Further, The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “The average depth of all the seas has been estimated at 3,790 metres (12,430 feet), a figure considerably larger than that of the average elevation of the land above the sea level, which is 840 metres (2,760 feet). If the average depth is multiplied by its respective surface area, the volume of the World Ocean is 11 times the volume of the land above sea level.” So, if everything were leveled out—if the mountains were flattened and the deep sea basins filled in—the sea would cover the whole earth to a depth of thousands of meters.
For the Flood to have happened, the pre-Flood sea basins would have to have been shallower, and the mountains lower than they are now. Is this possible? Well, one textbook says: “Where the mountains of the world now tower to dizzy heights, oceans and plains once, millions of years ago, stretched out in flat monotony. . . . The movements of the continental plates cause the land both to rear up to heights where only the hardiest of animals and plants can survive and, at the other extreme, to plunge and lie in hidden splendor deep beneath the surface of the sea.” Since the mountains and sea basins rise and fall, it is apparent that at one time the mountains were not as high as they are now and the great sea basins were not as deep.
What happened to the floodwaters after the Flood? They must have drained into the sea basins. How? Scientists believe that the continents rest on huge plates. Movement of these plates can cause changes in the level of the earth’s surface. In some places today, there are great underwater abysses more than six miles [more than 10 km] deep at the plate boundaries. It is quite likely that—perhaps triggered by the Flood itself—the plates moved, the sea bottom sank, and the great trenches opened, allowing the water to drain off the land. The publication ';Myths of Creation'; states that there are over 500 flood legends world wide. 250 tribe and peoples. 70% of the earth is fresh water locked up in glaciers and polar ice caps...
So I think you better start rethinking your question...Jesus told us that ';just as in the days of Noah so the last days would eating and drinking, marrying and they took no note until sudden destruction came upon them'; REMEMBER Noah did not provide Life boats!
The Bible is God's book, God does not lie. The Bible is the true words and works of God. Revelation 22:19, If any man take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Okay I have heard that argument before but no one seems able to point out the false truths in the Bible care to enumerate them?
There are Bible difficulties but they can be explained. The Bible is very reliable
I agree.
Do you think those that quote ';The God Delusion'; would feel the same way?
All religion is crap. God is imaginary. The clergy's purpose is ju$t what it ha$ alway$ been.
Romans 1:22
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
First, nothing you come up with, using your limited understanding of, well...anything is going to trip God up and make a fool of Him. God doesn't have to operate with-in reason of anyone's understanding.
Second, those darn Eskimos!!
Third, the flood was mentioned, I would imagine, because it happened. But, if you want a deeper meaning, I believe it is for people such as yourself who mock God and laugh at those who trust in His name. It serves as a warning that the day will come that you will beg and plead and pray for mercy. Trust me on this, everything God speaks is spoken into existence. So while your skimming through the Holy Scripture, offering the Lord of Lords your expertise on His Divine Plan, try reading rather than proof reading.
yes question every thing some body's lying around here
I used to think alot like you, but then I started studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses and found out that the bible doesn't contain any contradiction. It changed my life...for real
I completely agree with you. While I agree the overall lessons behind the Bible, it seems a bit farfetched for the unlikely stuff to have ever happened. You know what I mean.
You attempt to deceive, but only deceive those that are already are.
Case in point: the person above my post.
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