Monday, February 8, 2010

When Jesus Warned Against False Prophets Could He Be Referring to St. Paul & Author of Book of Revelation?

Why is that not possible?When Jesus Warned Against False Prophets Could He Be Referring to St. Paul %26amp; Author of Book of Revelation?
definitely yes, but paul was clever enough to not to claim prophethoot and yet he changed whole christianity.When Jesus Warned Against False Prophets Could He Be Referring to St. Paul %26amp; Author of Book of Revelation?
No, because Paul saw Jesus on the Damascus Road (see Acts chapter 9) and never doubted his salvation. Paul could never have been a false prophet after he met Jesus Christ.

John, the writer of Revelation, also could never have been a false prophet either. He saw Jesus (see Revelation 1) and wrote what he saw and heard. We need to remember that John was the disciple whom Jesus loved. I doubt Jesus would have chosen a false prophet to record the Revelation/Apocalypse.

So neither Paul nor John were false prophets because they both communicated material directly from God to the Church. Both Paul and John pointed people to the Word of God, not the words of men. I could go on and on but here's hoping this is a good enough starting point for you.
Everything gets confusing when the truth is thwarted. It explicitly states in revelations that that book should be passed on word for word. Who knows if it got changed at some point. It was all written for God. god is great god is good miracles can happen pray for the real one to be protected the real profit will return so pray for the profits physical safety on earth from beelzebub satan and the antichrist.
Of all that God gave Jesus only Judas was lost. It is widely believed that John, one of Jesus' disiciples, wrote the book of Revelations. So, John was not a rogue prophet.

Jesus said that all things were clean to eat when he said,';nothing that comes in to you can defile you; only that comes from you can defile you';

No one suffered more for the Gospel's sake than Paul. Paul wanted nothing more than to spread the word of God amongst the gentiles.

I haven't studied the matter, but I believe that the book was written within decades of Jesus' death by a christian who was exiled for the word of God.
It would be great if this were an honest inquiry but it is not !!!

God demanded perfection in the Tenauch but Christ fulilled the Feasts that pointed to Him [except Tabernacles = Millinium or heaven] !!!

He paid the price that was demanded in the Tenauch, we could not and don't tell me you have, because one glaring example is temple worship plus plus plus !!!
Not likely. There's nothing in Paul's or John's writings that contradict what Jesus taught.
he referred to anyone that tried to make scriptures that werent from god or agreed with the bible, such as joseph smith who had false prosephies
This is the only hint Jesus gave in which he may have mentioned someone would write 2/3 of the New Testament.

Homophobe Paul FTW!
hell no he would have said female phobic for paul and insanity for revelations
no. the Bible is without error!

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