Davinci Code has automobiles. Does the Holy Bible have automobiles?
Davinci Code has guns. Does the Holy Bible have guns?
Davinci code has Jesus. (oops)
Davinci code has Jesus and Mary Magdaline having a child. Does the Holy Bible omit this and leave it at ';washed her feet';.
So you decide America.DaVinci Code vs the Holy Bible, which book is true and which is false?
Both are accurate one is fiction one is non-fiction.
You decided.DaVinci Code vs the Holy Bible, which book is true and which is false?
I am a true genius aren't I?
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why are people so stupid?
Both books are fictictional works. The writers of the bible were inspired by the holy spirit. Dan Brown was inspired by acient biblical texts.
First she wahed HIS feet.
Secondly the BIBLE is true.
The DaVinci code is fiction.
Well, the Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction. I think the author does a great job of getting the reader to question what they believe.
It's certainly great to have faith and to believe in something. But it's also good to ask questions as to why. Why do we hold the beliefs that we do? Is it just because someone told us to believe it?
What I really love about the book is how he allows your imagination run with the things you believe and to make your own connections with information he gives you about the missing stories/holes.
jesus and his inspired word which is the bible is good for me i don't even want to think the way the davinic code pertrade jesus life
are you kidding me?
God's Word (HOly Bible) vs. DaVinci Code
I think God wins again..good vs. evil
Good always wins...Here is once another mankind opinion again. We all need to get to know the real God.
Tj Says:
We all know the Bible is False. The Davinci Code also has fact and fiction mixed in but, at least I go with the DaVinci Code b/c it has truth.
All of it is perspective, go with what you think sounds best to YOU.
i think that while both of them are very entertaining, neither can be deemed as whooly true or false. they both are works of fiction, but both do incorporate some real things in them.
The Davinci Code is classified as a fiction novel...
Is the Holy Bible classified as a fiction novel?
I'm not a very religious person, and I don't believe in the bible, but come on...
Neither! The Da vinci code is fictional. And the Bible is full of contradictions, false prophecies etc. Its not the word of God. Come to the right path people....
They ought to just make The Da Vinci Code a new book of the Bible.
both were books written by men ..they are just books
well it depends what you think
in history everyone has different perspectives and every one thinks differently so there is no right answer unless u travel back in time to see for yourself but u still wouldnt agree with ur best friend even if they went with u
I love this question!
Both are works of fiction but the DaVinci Code is more believable.
well i dont know if its just me buy hey i think the guys that lived with jesus were a tee bit more accurate then a guy writing a book about him 2000 years later but hey thats just my crazy idea
Trick question. they are both false.
Get a grip dude.
Since the Bible is all false, I would go with DaVinci because its author and his bank account really exist
They are both works of fiction that contain interesting theories some of them may or may not have any truth to them.
The DaVinci Code is true because it cites actual facts such as the way Christianity was sanctioned by Constantine and how the Trinity was defined by politicians at the Council of Nicea. Constantine had anyone who didn't agree murdered. The Bible is just a fairytale written by men who were desperate for power and control.
da vinci code was written a few years ago. how long ago was the Bible written?
think before you ask stupid questions like this one.
OK, yep, whatever. The Bible is the truth.
DaVinci was a liar the Bible is real.
Are you for real?
both fictional, the code made it's author a heap of money and the bible made the vatican a heap of money, so both highly successful money spinning works of fiction that the masses have got caught up in.
the bible is so so so so real!! DUHH!!
the bible does not have automobiles,
or guns! but who likes guns?
duh the bible has jesus!!
yes they DO NOT have a child!!
jesus wouldn't do that to her!!
and i will pray for you!!
The Bible is true. And besides, if they Bible isn't true but I still believe it, the only result is that I have lived a unselfish life to try to help other people. But if the Bible is true, those who don't believe with go to eternal damnation. Which losing side would you rather be on?
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