Sunday, February 7, 2010

Palin's book banning rumor false?

Yes, it's bogus. And as much as I disagree with her vision for our country, I believe that the truth is the best weapon.

Don't worry folks, there are PLENTY of other reasons to NOT vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.…Palin's book banning rumor false?
One clarification: That list on snopes is fake but Palin still wanted to ban books and still fired the librarian when she objected. Palin was forced by public outrage to take the librarian back.

The book banning attempt is real. The list is fake.Palin's book banning rumor false?
Yeah, like so many others, it's false.

The Daily Kos started the rumor about Palin's youngest son actually being her grandson. Then , Paklin ackowledged that her daughter is 4 months pregnant.

Let's see, her '; Grandson'; is 4 months old, the daughter is 5 months pregnant, which means that the daughter got pregnant just a month before she have birth.

Another miracle of modern medicine.

Another looney rumor from the looney left.
For those of you who didn't read the whole Snopes article, note that it said she did bring up the subject and asked the then librarian how she would feel about some books being banned. When she got a negative response, she backtracked and said it was just a rhetorical question. But, no specific books had been brought up and no books had ever been banned from the Wasilla library as a result of any actions by Palin.

Still, I don't like her for a host of other reasons. Not the least of which is that she comes across as G W Bush in lipstick and a pantsuit (or is that Rudy Guliani?).
If she won't face the media to defend her postion it's no surprise that rumours get assumed to be fact.

Howver, I have seen many reports on this book banning story - and at prresent I am inclined to believe that she did test the water for the removal of some books.
Actually what we have been pointing out is not that she had books banned but that she question the librarian about removing certain books and when the librarian stated that she would not remove any books for any reason Palin attempted to have her removed from her position. These are irrefutable facts and just because some people went overboard in response doesn't make what she did any better.
definitely false.............and I am an Obama supporter......there is never a reason to spread gossip!!!1 no matter who you are voitng for....

Sarah Palin will self-destruct in a pool of her own smugness and rigid thinking

She is like a shooting star...........really bight and shiny, but only for a few seconds

Have no fear Obamaites.................goodness and hope will prevail

Let us answer our hopes not our fears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Truth is a dangerous weapon for your side, buddy. It's a double-edged sword, and I think the side facing you is the sharper.
Many do not remember back in the 70's and 80's when Liberals wanted Mark Twain's ';Huckleberry Finn'; and ';Tom Sawyer'; removed from school and public libraries because they said they were racist.
Thanks for being honest but it still doesn't change the fact that Obama has attended a racist church for 20 years and had his poor little girls baptized by a lunatic
Nobody's worried. Little kids don't need reasons to NOT vote McCain/Palin.
I agree with you.

The interesting thing is people tend to remember the lies more than the fact.
Thanks Her arrogance is enough fore me.
OMG can you believe that Lies Liberals would never do that

Vote McCain

google: Anne Kilkenny

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