Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't you think that it's a bit false when people say that the Bible is theyr fave book?

I don't think so because there are some crazy religious freaks out there who are closed minded on anything else except for the Bible and religion. I cannot read the bible because it makes me angry, I don't know what to believe in it because it has been modified so many times and it is very bias and sexist!Don't you think that it's a bit false when people say that the Bible is theyr fave book?
I'm sure that some very religious people do consider the Bible their favorite book. They read part of it every day and join study groups to understand it better.Don't you think that it's a bit false when people say that the Bible is theyr fave book?
Yes - I can see how it might be important to people, but to say it's their favourite indicates to me that they don't read or haven't read much else.
Well, yes! I think it's false because the Bible is not just a book. It is our religion, what we believe. It is something more than a book. It is a work of God.
I have no doubt in my mind that some people say that with all sincerity of purpose - afterall credulity is not a crime! But from my experience, it is people who know not the Bible that profess belief in it; those who know it well, it's history and all - and that includes majority of the clergy - don't share any such faith. Rather such ones are only protecting their means of livelyhood! Reprehensible, but can you blame them?
yeah...some of them are fake!
Absolutely false!
If you grow up in a closed, fundamentalist environment, where there is not much social interaction with the outside world, I could see that happening. The ';Bible Belt,'; is as much a frame of mind as it is a geographical location. It is that kind of close mindedness that leads to blind advocacy and irrational behavior. I have known people and perhaps you do to, who will argue that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th, and that is why we honor Sunday. As preposterous as it sounds, they will argue that this means that God did it in 6 twenty four hour days. Not in millenia of years but 6 days.

Look at what is happening in the Middle East. Nowhere does it say that if you blow up a bus full of people, Mohammed will expiate all your sins and you will go straight to heaven. Is this not the corruption of religion to suit men's desire to strike fear into the hearts and minds of non-believers?

A few years ago, Muslims demanded that the image of Mohammed be stricken from the decorative frieze around the top of the Supreme Court Building of the United States in Washington DC. The image was not demeaning in any way. It was placed there to honor people who were fundamental in creating laws for mankind. Hammurabi is there as well. Moses is represented. In a narrow interpretation of the Koran, it was interpreted that there shall be no image of Muhammed.

It remains a reality of a diverse society that people have the freedom to believe what they want. I am not at all surprised at what people hold to be the truth. For you to test this, ask a friend about an incident that is documented. The more absurd, the better. For instance, a B25 aircraft hit the Empire State Building in New York City. 95 percent of the people you ask will say it did nolt happen. And do you know why they would deny it? They did not see it on TV. Look it up on internet.
Yeah, I do
Only if they're being untruthful. Why can't people have the Bible as their favorite book? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Maybe it is peoples favorite book. I usually list as the most important but I wouldn't say my favorite. When I want a good read I usually don't turn to the Bible. Its a little too heavy of a read for that, however for some people it may be their favorite. To each his own.
Sometimes. I read the whole thing front to back in college and it's a tough read. Frankly, I only remember some of it.

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